002 * This file is part of the JDrupes non-blocking HTTP Codec
003 * Copyright (C) 2016, 2017  Michael N. Lipp
004 *
005 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it 
006 * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published
007 * by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or 
008 * (at your option) any later version.
009 *
010 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but 
011 * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
012 * or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public 
013 * License for more details.
014 *
015 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along 
016 * with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
017 */
019package org.jdrupes.httpcodec.util;
021import java.io.IOException;
022import java.io.OutputStream;
023import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
024import java.util.ArrayDeque;
025import java.util.Queue;
028 * An {@link OutputStream} that is backed by a {@link ByteBuffer} assigned to
029 * the stream. If the buffer becomes full, one or more buffers are allocated as
030 * intermediate storage. Their content is copied to the next assigned buffer(s).
031 * <p>
032 * While writing to this stream, {@link #remaining()} should be checked
033 * regularly and the production of data should be suspended if possible when no
034 * more space is left to avoid the usage of intermediate storage.
035 */
036public class ByteBufferOutputStream extends OutputStream {
038        private ByteBuffer assignedBuffer = null;
039        private Queue<ByteBuffer> overflows = new ArrayDeque<>();
040        private ByteBuffer current = null;
041        private int overflowBufferSize = 0;
042        private long bytesWritten = 0;
044        /**
045         * Creates a new instance with an unset overflow buffer size.
046         */
047        public ByteBufferOutputStream() {
048                super();
049        }
051        /**
052         * Creates a new instance with the given overflow buffer size.
053         * 
054         * @param overflowBufferSize
055         *            the overflow buffer size to use
056         */
057        public ByteBufferOutputStream(int overflowBufferSize) {
058                super();
059                this.overflowBufferSize = overflowBufferSize;
060        }
062        /**
063         * Returns the size of the buffers that will be allocated as overflow
064         * buffers.
065         *
066         * @return the allocation size for the overflow buffers
067         */
068        public int overflowBufferSize() {
069                return overflowBufferSize;
070        }
072        /**
073         * The size of the buffers that are allocated if the assigned buffer
074         * overflows. If not set, buffers are allocated with one fourth of the size
075         * of the assigned buffer or 4096 if no buffer has been assigned yet.
076         * 
077         * @param overflowBufferSize
078         *            the size
079         */
080        public void setOverflowBufferSize(int overflowBufferSize) {
081                this.overflowBufferSize = overflowBufferSize;
082        }
084        /**
085         * Clear any buffered data and prepares the buffer for reuse.
086         */
087        public void clear() {
088                assignedBuffer = null;
089                current = null;
090                bytesWritten = 0;
091                overflows.clear();
092        }
094        /**
095         * Assign a new buffer to this output stream. If the previously used buffer
096         * had become full and intermediate storage was allocated, the data from the
097         * intermediate storage is copied to the new buffer first. Then, the new
098         * buffer is used for all subsequent write operations.
099         * 
100         * @param buffer
101         *            the buffer to use
102         */
103        public void assignBuffer(ByteBuffer buffer) {
104                if (buffer == null) {
105                        if (current == assignedBuffer) {
106                                current = null;
107                        }
108                        assignedBuffer = null;
109                        return;
110                }
111                assignedBuffer = buffer;
112                // Move any overflow to the new buffer
113                while (!overflows.isEmpty()) {
114                        ByteBuffer head = overflows.peek();
115                        // Do a "flip with position to mark"
116                        int writePos = head.position(); // Save position
117                        head.reset();
118                        head.limit(writePos);
119                        if (!ByteBufferUtils.putAsMuchAsPossible(assignedBuffer, head)) {
120                                // Cannot transfer everything, done what's possible
121                                head.mark(); // new position for next put
122                                head.limit(head.capacity());
123                                head.position(writePos);
124                                return;
125                        }
126                        overflows.remove();
127                }
128                current = assignedBuffer;
129        }
131        private void allocateOverflowBuffer() {
132                current = ByteBuffer.allocate(
133                        overflowBufferSize != 0
134                        ? overflowBufferSize
135                        : Math.max(4096, (assignedBuffer == null
136                                          ? 0 : assignedBuffer.capacity() / 4)));
137                current.mark();
138                overflows.add(current);
139        }
141        /*
142         * (non-Javadoc)
143         * 
144         * @see java.io.OutputStream#write(int)
145         */
146        @Override
147        public void write(int data) throws IOException {
148                if (current == null || current.remaining() == 0) {
149                        allocateOverflowBuffer();
150                }
151                current.put((byte) data);
152                bytesWritten += 1;
153        }
155        /*
156         * (non-Javadoc)
157         * 
158         * @see java.io.OutputStream#write(byte[], int, int)
159         */
160        @Override
161        public void write(byte[] data, int offset, int length)
162                        throws IOException {
163                if (current == null) {
164                        allocateOverflowBuffer();
165                }
166                bytesWritten += length;
167                while (true) {
168                        if (current.remaining() >= length) {
169                                current.put(data, offset, length);
170                                return;
171                        }
172                        if (current.remaining() > 0) {
173                                int processed = current.remaining();
174                                current.put(data, offset, processed);
175                                offset += processed;
176                                length -= processed;
177                        }
178                        allocateOverflowBuffer();
179                }
180        }
182        /**
183         * Copies the data from the given buffer to this output stream.
184         * 
185         * @param data the buffer
186         */
187        public void write(ByteBuffer data) {
188                if (current == null) {
189                        allocateOverflowBuffer();
190                }
191                bytesWritten += data.remaining();
192                while (true) {
193                        if (ByteBufferUtils.putAsMuchAsPossible(current, data)) {
194                                return;
195                        }
196                        allocateOverflowBuffer();
197                }
198        }
200        /**
201         * Copies length bytes from the given buffer to this output stream.
202         * 
203         * @param data the buffer
204         * @param length the number of bytes to copy
205         */
206        public void write(ByteBuffer data, int length) {
207                if (data.remaining() <= length) {
208                        write(data);
209                        return;
210                }
211                int savedLimit = data.limit();
212                data.limit(data.position() + length);
213                write(data);
214                data.limit(savedLimit);
215        }
217        /**
218         * Returns the number of bytes remaining in the assigned buffer. A negative
219         * value indicates that the assigned buffer is full and one or more overflow
220         * buffers are being used. The absolute value of the negative number is
221         * the number of bytes in the overflow buffer(s).
222         * 
223         * @return the bytes remaining or buffered (negative value)
224         */
225        public long remaining() {
226                if (overflows.isEmpty()) {
227                        if (assignedBuffer == null) {
228                                return 0;
229                        }
230                        return assignedBuffer.remaining();
231                }
232                long sum = 0;
233                for (ByteBuffer b : overflows) {
234                        int curPos = b.position(); // Save position
235                        b.reset();
236                        sum += curPos - b.position();
237                        b.position(curPos);
238                }
239                return -sum;
240        }
242        /**
243         * Does not have any effect. May be called for consistent usage of the
244         * output stream.
245         * 
246         * @throws IOException
247         *             if there is still data in intermediate storage
248         * @see java.io.OutputStream#close()
249         */
250        @Override
251        public void close() throws IOException {
252                super.close();
253        }
255        /**
256         *      The number of bytes written to this output stream.
257         * 
258         * @return the number of bytes written
259         */
260        public long bytesWritten() {
261                return bytesWritten;
262        }