Klasse MDoclet

Alle implementierten Schnittstellen:

public class MDoclet extends Object implements Doclet
The Doclet implementation, which converts the Markdown from the JavaDoc comments and tags to HTML.

The doclet works by installing wrappers to intercept the HtmlDoclet’s calls to access the DocCommentTrees (see DocCommentTreeWrapper). At the root of this interception is a modified doclet environment (MDocletEnvironment) that installs a wrapper around doc trees access.

For some strange reason, the StandardDoclet does not work with interface DocletEnvironment but insists on the instance being a DocEnvImpl. Therefore MDocletEnvironment has to extend this class which requires to allow module access with --add-exports=jdk.javadoc/org.jdrupes.mdoclet.internal.tool=ALL-UNNAMED.