
public class HelpWriter extends HtmlDocletWriter
Generate the Help File for the generated API documentation.

The help file contents are helpful for browsing the generated documentation.

  • Konstruktordetails

    • HelpWriter

      public HelpWriter(HtmlConfiguration configuration, DocPath filename)
      Constructor to construct HelpWriter object.
      configuration - the configuration
      filename - File to be generated.
  • Methodendetails

    • generate

      public static void generate(HtmlConfiguration configuration) throws DocFileIOException
      Construct the HelpWriter object and then use it to generate the help file.

      The name of the generated file is “help-doc.html”. The help file will get generated if and only if “-helpfile” and “-nohelp” is not used on the command line.

      configuration - the configuration
      Löst aus:
      DocFileIOException - if there is a problem while generating the documentation
    • generateHelpFile

      protected void generateHelpFile() throws DocFileIOException
      Generate the help file contents.
      Löst aus:
      DocFileIOException - if there is a problem while generating the documentation
    • addHelpFileContents

      protected void addHelpFileContents(Content content)
      Adds the help file contents from the resource file to the content.

      While adding the help file contents it also keeps track of user options.

      The general organization is:

      • Heading, and TOC
      • Navigation help
      • Page-specific help
    • getNavBar

      protected Navigation getNavBar(Navigation.PageMode pageMode, Element element)
      Beschreibung aus Klasse kopiert: HtmlDocletWriter
      Returns a basic navigation bar for a kind of page and element.
      Setzt außer Kraft:
      getNavBar in Klasse HtmlDocletWriter
      pageMode - the page mode
      element - the defining element for the navigation bar, or null if none
      Gibt zurück:
      the basic navigation bar