Schnittstelle PackageSummaryWriter

Alle bekannten Implementierungsklassen:

public interface PackageSummaryWriter
The interface for writing package summary output.
  • Methodendetails

    • getPackageHeader

      Get the header for the summary.
      Gibt zurück:
      the header to be added to the content
    • getContentHeader

      Get the header for the package content.
      Gibt zurück:
      the package content header
    • getSummariesList

      Get the header for the package summary.
      Gibt zurück:
      the package summary header
    • addRelatedPackagesSummary

      void addRelatedPackagesSummary(Content summaryContent)
      Adds the table of related packages to the documentation.
      summaryContent - the content to which the summaries will be added
    • addAllClassesAndInterfacesSummary

      Adds the table of all classes and interfaces to the documentation.
      summaryContent - the content to which the summaries will be added
    • addPackageDescription

      void addPackageDescription(Content packageContent)
      Adds the package description from the “packages.html” file to the documentation.
      packageContent - the content to which the package description will be added
    • addPackageTags

      void addPackageTags(Content packageContent)
      Adds the tag information from the “packages.html” file to the documentation.
      packageContent - the content to which the package tags will be added
    • addPackageSignature

      void addPackageSignature(Content packageContent)
      Adds the package signature.
      packageContent - the content to which the package signature will be added
    • addPackageContent

      void addPackageContent(Content packageContent)
      Adds the tag information from the “packages.html” or “” file to the documentation.
      packageContent - the package content to be added
    • addPackageFooter

      Adds the footer to the documentation.
    • printDocument

      Print the package summary document.
      content - the content that will be printed
      Löst aus:
      DocFileIOException - if there is a problem while writing the document
    • getPackageSummary

      Gets the package summary.
      summaryContent - the content representing the package summary
      Gibt zurück:
      the package summary