Interface EventPipeline

All Superinterfaces:

public interface EventPipeline extends Components.IdInfoProvider
An interface that describes a queue of events that are sent to the components of the associated tree.

Any events fired by the components while handling an event from the pipeline are added at the end of the pipeline.

An event pipeline is run by a single thread from an executor service. Adding several events to the same pipeline therefore ensures that they are executed in sequence.

  • Method Details

    • fire

      <T extends Event<?>> T fire(T event, Channel... channels)
      Add an event to be sent to components listening for such events on the given channels to the end of the queue.

      If no channels are specified as parameters, the event is fired on the event’s channel (see Event.channels()). If the event doesn’t specify channels either, the channel depends on how the event pipeline was obtained. Event pipelines obtained from a component’s manager use the component’s channel as fall back.

      Type Parameters:
      T - the event’s type
      event - the event to process
      channels - the channels that the event was fired on
      the event (for easy chaining)
    • restrictEventSource

      Allow only the given source pipeline to fire events on this pipeline.

      This feature can be used to ensure the proper usage of event pipelines. Assume that a handler invoked from event pipeline S produces several related output events and fires them using another event pipeline O. In this case, it is important that the proper sequence is not disturbed. By restricting the source pipeline of O to S, it becomes impossible for other threads than the one that runs the event pipeline S to fire events that are to be processed by O.

      Events from other threads than the one that runs O are ignored and an error is logged with the core package logger with “.fireRestriction” appended.

      sourcePipeline - the source pipeline or null to revoke the restriction
      the event pipeline
    • overrideRestriction

      Overrides any restriction set by restrictEventSource(EventPipeline) for the next fire(Event, Channel...) invocation from the calling thread.

      The typical use case is a protocol handling component (see the JGrapes I/O package) . After a connection and an associated IOSubchannel have been established, the response pipeline is usually only used by the downstream component, which may restrict the source for events on that pipeline.

      Sometimes, however, the protocol handling component must insert events with out-of-band (control) information in the stream of events that form the regular I/O data. This method allows the protocol component to do this, even if a restriction applies to the response pipeline.

      the event pipeline
    • submit

      <V> Future<V> submit(String name, Callable<V> action)
      Adds an action to be executed to the event pipeline.

      Execution of the action is synchronized with the events on this pipeline. It will be executed after any events already fired and before any event fired subsequently.

      This is a short-cut for firing a special kind of event and defining a handler for only this kind of event. Submitting a callable instead of firing an event and defining a handler should only be done when no use case is imaginable in which such an event could be intercepted by other components or could trigger some action.

      Type Parameters:
      V - the value type
      name - the name of the action; used in the event debug log
      action - the action to execute
      the future
    • submit

      default <V> Future<V> submit(Callable<V> action)
      Like submit(String, Callable) but without specifying a name for the event debug log.
      action - the action to execute
    • submit

      void submit(String name, Runnable action)
      Adds an action to be executed to the event pipeline.

      Execution of the action is synchronized with the events on this pipeline. It will be executed after any events already fired and before any event fired subsequently.

      This is a short-cut for firing a special kind of event and defining a handler for only this kind of event. Submitting a runnable instead of firing an event and defining a handler should only be done when no use case is imaginable in which such an event could be intercepted by other components or could trigger some action.

      name - the name of the action; used in the event debug log
      action - the action to execute
    • submit

      default void submit(Runnable action)
      Like submit(String, Callable) but without specifiying a name for the event debug log.
      action - the action to execute
    • idScope

      default Class<?> idScope()
      All pipelines use the same id scope to make them uniquely identifiable by their number.
      Specified by:
      idScope in interface Components.IdInfoProvider
      the scope
    • executorService

      Returns the executor service used by this event pipeline to obtain its thread.

      If a component needs to create a thread for its own use, it should obtain it from the component’s event pipeline’s executor service in order to conform with standard resource management.

      the executor service
    • awaitExhaustion

      Waits until this pipeline is empty.