All Classes
All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Class Description BndModelResolver Resolves (raw) model requests using a bndMavenRepository
as backend.BndModelResolver.FileModelSource The Class FileModelSource.BoundArchive AnArchive
with a reference to the maven repository in which it was found.BoundRevision A revision with a reference to the maven repository in which it was found.CompositeMavenRepository Provides a compositeIMavenRepo
view on severalMavenBackingRepository
instances.CompositeMavenRepository.BinaryLocation Use local or remote URL in index.IndexedMavenConfiguration The configuration information.IndexedMavenRepository Provide an OSGi repository (a collection ofResource
s, seeRepository
), filled with resolved artifacts from given groupIds.IndexedMavenRepositoryProvider Maintains an index of a subset of one or more maven repositories and provides it as an OSGi repository.LocalMavenBackedOsgiRepository Provide an OSGi repository (a collection ofResource
s, seeRepository
), filled with the results from recursively resolving an initial set of artifacts.MavenGroupRepository A repository with artifacts from a single group.MavenResource A resource that is backed by a maven archive.MavenResourceException Indicates a problem when lazily loading properties of aMavenResource
.MavenResourceRepository Wraps the artifacts from a maven repository asResource
s.MavenVersion Provides a model of an artifact version which can be used as a maven version.MavenVersionRange Provides a representation of a maven version range.MavenVersionSpecification The common base class ofMavenVersion
.NexusSearchConfiguration NexusSearchNGResponseParser Parses the XML document returned by a Nexus server in response to alucene/search
request.NexusSearchOsgiRepository Provide an OSGi repository (a collection ofResource
s, seeRepository
), filled with the results of performing a search on a Nexus server.NexusSearchRepositoryProvider Provide aNexusSearchOsgiRepository
as a bnd repository.RepositoryUtils The Class Utils.RepositoryUtils.ThrowingRunnable A runnable that may throw an exception.VersionSpecification Class VersionSpecification.VersionSpecification.Type The Enum Type.