Klasse SummaryListWriter<B extends SummaryAPIListBuilder>

Bekannte direkte Unterklassen:
DeprecatedListWriter, NewAPIListWriter, PreviewListWriter

public abstract class SummaryListWriter<B extends SummaryAPIListBuilder> extends SubWriterHolderWriter
Base class for generating a summary page that lists elements with a common characteristic, such as deprecated elements, preview elements, and so on.
  • Felddetails

  • Konstruktordetails

    • SummaryListWriter

      public SummaryListWriter(HtmlConfiguration configuration, DocPath filename, B builder)
      configuration - the configuration for this doclet
      filename - the file to be generated
      builder - the summary list builder
  • Methodendetails

    • getHeadingKey

    • generateSummaryListFile

      protected void generateSummaryListFile(Navigation.PageMode pageMode, String description, Content headContent, String titleKey) throws DocFileIOException
      Generate the API summary.
      pageMode - page mode to use
      description - page description
      headContent - page heading content
      titleKey - page title resource key
      Löst aus:
      DocFileIOException - if there is a problem writing the summary list
    • addIndexLink

      protected void addIndexLink(HtmlId id, String headingKey, Content content)
      Add the index link.
      id - the id for the link
      headingKey - the key for the heading content
      content - the content to which the index link will be added
    • getContentsList

      Get the contents list.
      Gibt zurück:
      the contents list
    • getHeader

      public HtmlTree getHeader(Navigation.PageMode pageMode, String titleKey)
      pageMode - page mode to use
      titleKey - page title resource key Gibt the header for the API Summary listing zurück.
    • addSummaryAPI

      protected void addSummaryAPI(SortedSet<Element> apiList, HtmlId id, String headingKey, String headerKey, Content content)
      Add summary information to the documentation
      apiList - list of API summary elements
      id - the id attribute of the table
      headingKey - the caption for the summary table
      headerKey - table header key for the summary table
      content - the content to which the summary table will be added
    • addComments

      protected void addComments(Element e, Content desc)
      Add summary text for the given element.
      e - the element for which the summary text should be added
      desc - the content to which the text should be added
    • getSummaryLink

    • addExtraSection

      protected void addExtraSection(Content target)
      Add an extra optional section to the content.
      target - the content to which the section should be added
    • addExtraIndexLink

      protected void addExtraIndexLink(Content target)
      Add an extra optional index link.
      target - the content to which the link should be added
    • addContentSelectors

      protected abstract void addContentSelectors(Content target)
      Subclasses allow the user to show or hide parts of the content in the page.

      This method should be used to add the UI to select the visible page content.

      target - the content to which the UI should be added
    • getExtraContent

      protected abstract Content getExtraContent(Element element)
      Some subclasses of this class display an extra column in their element tables.

      This methods allows them to return the content to show for element.

      element - the element
      Gibt zurück:
      content for extra content or null
    • getTableHeader

      protected TableHeader getTableHeader(String headerKey)
      Gets the table header to use for a table with the first column identified by headerKey.
      headerKey - the header key for the first table column
      Gibt zurück:
      the table header
    • getColumnStyles

      protected HtmlStyle[] getColumnStyles()
      Gets the array of styles to use for table columns.

      The length of the returned array must match the number of column headers returned by getTableHeader(String).

      Gibt zurück:
      the styles to use for table columns
    • getTableCaption

      protected Content getTableCaption(String headingKey)
      Returns the caption for the table with the given headingKey.
      headingKey - the key for the table heading
      Gibt zurück:
      the table caption
    • addTableTabs

      protected abstract void addTableTabs(Table<Element> table, String headingKey)
      Allow subclasses to add extra tabs to the element tables.
      table - the element table
      headingKey - the key for the caption (default tab)