Klasse EnumConstantBuilder

Builds documentation for a enum constants.
  • Methodendetails

    • getInstance

      Construct a new EnumConstantsBuilder.
      context - the build context.
      typeElement - the class whose members are being documented.
      writer - the doclet specific writer.
      Gibt zurück:
      the new EnumConstantsBuilder
    • hasMembersToDocument

      public boolean hasMembersToDocument()
      Returns whether or not there are members to document.
      Angegeben von:
      hasMembersToDocument in Klasse AbstractMemberBuilder
      Gibt zurück:
      whether or not there are members to document
    • build

      public void build(Content target) throws DocletException
      Beschreibung aus Klasse kopiert: AbstractMemberBuilder
      Build the documentation.
      Angegeben von:
      build in Klasse AbstractMemberBuilder
      target - the content into which to add the documentation
      Löst aus:
      DocletException - if there is a problem building the documentation
    • buildEnumConstant

      protected void buildEnumConstant(Content target) throws DocletException
      Build the enum constant documentation.
      target - the content to which the documentation will be added
      Löst aus:
      DocletException - is there is a problem while building the documentation
    • buildSignature

      protected void buildSignature(Content target)
      Build the signature.
      target - the content to which the documentation will be added
    • buildDeprecationInfo

      protected void buildDeprecationInfo(Content target)
      Build the deprecation information.
      target - the content to which the documentation will be added
    • buildPreviewInfo

      protected void buildPreviewInfo(Content target)
      Build the preview information.
      target - the content to which the documentation will be added
    • buildEnumConstantComments

      protected void buildEnumConstantComments(Content target)
      Build the comments for the enum constant.

      Do nothing if BaseOptions.noComment() is set to true.

      target - the content to which the documentation will be added
    • buildTagInfo

      protected void buildTagInfo(Content target)
      Build the tag information.
      target - the content to which the documentation will be added
    • getWriter

      Return the enum constant writer for this builder.
      Gibt zurück:
      the enum constant writer for this builder.