Uses of Package

Packages that use org.jgrapes.core
Defines the interfaces and classes that provide the core functionality of the JGrapes event driven component framework.
Annotations used by the library.
Core events.
Classes implementing the public API of the library.
Provides components for building a HTTP server based on the core and IO components.
Adds a special annotation for methods that handle HTTP request events.
Provides the events handled by the server components.
Provides a base component for generating template based responses to HTTP requests.
I/O related components built on top of the core package.
Provides the events used by the I/O related components.
Classes for managing processes.
Utility classes, mainly for adapted buffers to specific needs.
Events associated with classes from
Components for handling mail.
Mail related events.
Networking related I/O classes.
Utility components that are too small to deserve individual libraries/projects.
  • Class
    Implemented by classes that allow arbitrary objects to be associated with instances.
    Instances of this interface can be used as a communication bus for sending events between components.
    This class can be used as base class for implementing a component.
    A general purpose factory interface for components.
    Implemented by classes that want a special class (scope) to be used for looking up their id or want to map to another object for getting the id (see Components.objectId(Object)).
    Instances are added to the scheduler in order to be invoked at a given time.
    Represents a timer as created by Components.schedule(TimeoutHandler, Instant).
    This interface marks a class as a component.
    This interface provides a mechanism for matching objects, using a filter on the object’s “kind” as criterion.
    This class is the base class for all events.
    An interface that describes a queue of events that are sent to the components of the associated tree.
    This interface allows to verify whether a given event fired on one of the given channels is handled by a handler.
    The interface that provides the methods for manipulating the component and the component’s hierarchy and for firing events.
    Represents a subchannel.
    Combines a type and an id value to a key for an Associator or Map.
  • Class
    Implemented by classes that allow arbitrary objects to be associated with instances.
    Instances of this interface can be used as a communication bus for sending events between components.
    This class is the root base class for channels that use their class (type) as value for matching (see Eligible).
    This interface marks a class as a component.
    This interface provides a mechanism for matching objects, using a filter on the object’s “kind” as criterion.
    This class is the base class for all events.
    This interface allows to verify whether a given event fired on one of the given channels is handled by a handler.
  • Class
    Implemented by classes that allow arbitrary objects to be associated with instances.
    Instances of this interface can be used as a communication bus for sending events between components.
    A base class for events that signal the completion of some other (monitored) event and provide this other event as their result.
    This interface marks a class as a component.
    This interface provides a mechanism for matching objects, using a filter on the object’s “kind” as criterion.
    This class is the base class for all events.
  • Class
    Implemented by classes that allow arbitrary objects to be associated with instances.
    Instances of this interface can be used as a communication bus for sending events between components.
    Implemented by classes that want a special class (scope) to be used for looking up their id or want to map to another object for getting the id (see Components.objectId(Object)).
    This interface marks a class as a component.
    This interface provides a mechanism for matching objects, using a filter on the object’s “kind” as criterion.
    This class is the base class for all events.
    An interface that describes a queue of events that are sent to the components of the associated tree.
    This interface allows to verify whether a given event fired on one of the given channels is handled by a handler.
    The interface that provides the methods for manipulating the component and the component’s hierarchy and for firing events.
  • Class
    Implemented by classes that allow arbitrary objects to be associated with instances.
    Instances of this interface can be used as a communication bus for sending events between components.
    This class can be used as base class for implementing a component.
    A general purpose factory interface for components.
    This interface marks a class as a component.
    This interface provides a mechanism for matching objects, using a filter on the object’s “kind” as criterion.
    The interface that provides the methods for manipulating the component and the component’s hierarchy and for firing events.
  • Class
    Instances of this interface can be used as a communication bus for sending events between components.
    This interface marks a class as a component.
    This interface provides a mechanism for matching objects, using a filter on the object’s “kind” as criterion.
    This interface allows to verify whether a given event fired on one of the given channels is handled by a handler.
    Some HandlerScope implementations use only a subset of the properties of the events passed to HandlerScope.includes(Eligible, Eligible[]) for evaluating the result.
  • Class
    Implemented by classes that allow arbitrary objects to be associated with instances.
    Instances of this interface can be used as a communication bus for sending events between components.
    A base class for events that signal the completion of some other (monitored) event and provide this other event as their result.
    This interface provides a mechanism for matching objects, using a filter on the object’s “kind” as criterion.
    This class is the base class for all events.
  • Class
    Instances of this interface can be used as a communication bus for sending events between components.
    This class can be used as base class for implementing a component.
    This interface marks a class as a component.
    This interface provides a mechanism for matching objects, using a filter on the object’s “kind” as criterion.
    The interface that provides the methods for manipulating the component and the component’s hierarchy and for firing events.
  • Classes in org.jgrapes.core used by
    Implemented by classes that allow arbitrary objects to be associated with instances.
    Instances of this interface can be used as a communication bus for sending events between components.
    This class can be used as base class for implementing a component.
    This interface marks a class as a component.
    This interface provides a mechanism for matching objects, using a filter on the object’s “kind” as criterion.
    This class is the base class for all events.
    An interface that describes a queue of events that are sent to the components of the associated tree.
    The interface that provides the methods for manipulating the component and the component’s hierarchy and for firing events.
    Represents a subchannel.
    A simple implementation of Subchannel.
  • Class
    Implemented by classes that allow arbitrary objects to be associated with instances.
    Instances of this interface can be used as a communication bus for sending events between components.
    A base class for events that signal the completion of some other (monitored) event and provide this other event as their result.
    This interface provides a mechanism for matching objects, using a filter on the object’s “kind” as criterion.
    This class is the base class for all events.
  • Class
    Implemented by classes that allow arbitrary objects to be associated with instances.
    Instances of this interface can be used as a communication bus for sending events between components.
    This class can be used as base class for implementing a component.
    This interface marks a class as a component.
    This interface provides a mechanism for matching objects, using a filter on the object’s “kind” as criterion.
    An interface that describes a queue of events that are sent to the components of the associated tree.
    The interface that provides the methods for manipulating the component and the component’s hierarchy and for firing events.
    Represents a subchannel.
    A simple implementation of Subchannel.
  • Class
    Implemented by classes that allow arbitrary objects to be associated with instances.
    Instances of this interface can be used as a communication bus for sending events between components.
    This class can be used as base class for implementing a component.
    This interface marks a class as a component.
    This interface provides a mechanism for matching objects, using a filter on the object’s “kind” as criterion.
    An interface that describes a queue of events that are sent to the components of the associated tree.
    The interface that provides the methods for manipulating the component and the component’s hierarchy and for firing events.
    Represents a subchannel.
    A simple implementation of Subchannel.
  • Class
    Implemented by classes that allow arbitrary objects to be associated with instances.
    This interface provides a mechanism for matching objects, using a filter on the object’s “kind” as criterion.
    This class is the base class for all events.
  • Class
    Implemented by classes that allow arbitrary objects to be associated with instances.
    Instances of this interface can be used as a communication bus for sending events between components.
    This class can be used as base class for implementing a component.
    This interface marks a class as a component.
    This interface provides a mechanism for matching objects, using a filter on the object’s “kind” as criterion.
    This class is the base class for all events.
    The interface that provides the methods for manipulating the component and the component’s hierarchy and for firing events.
    Represents a subchannel.
    A simple implementation of Subchannel.
  • Class
    Implemented by classes that allow arbitrary objects to be associated with instances.
    Instances of this interface can be used as a communication bus for sending events between components.
    This interface provides a mechanism for matching objects, using a filter on the object’s “kind” as criterion.
    This class is the base class for all events.
  • Class
    Implemented by classes that allow arbitrary objects to be associated with instances.
    Instances of this interface can be used as a communication bus for sending events between components.
    This class can be used as base class for implementing a component.
    This interface marks a class as a component.
    This interface provides a mechanism for matching objects, using a filter on the object’s “kind” as criterion.
    An interface that describes a queue of events that are sent to the components of the associated tree.
    The interface that provides the methods for manipulating the component and the component’s hierarchy and for firing events.
    Represents a subchannel.
    A simple implementation of Subchannel.
  • Class
    Implemented by classes that allow arbitrary objects to be associated with instances.
    This interface provides a mechanism for matching objects, using a filter on the object’s “kind” as criterion.
    This class is the base class for all events.
  • Class
    Instances of this interface can be used as a communication bus for sending events between components.
    This class can be used as base class for implementing a component.
    A general purpose factory interface for components.
    This interface marks a class as a component.
    This interface provides a mechanism for matching objects, using a filter on the object’s “kind” as criterion.
    The interface that provides the methods for manipulating the component and the component’s hierarchy and for firing events.
  • Class
    Implemented by classes that allow arbitrary objects to be associated with instances.
    Instances of this interface can be used as a communication bus for sending events between components.
    A base class for events that signal the completion of some other (monitored) event and provide this other event as their result.
    This interface provides a mechanism for matching objects, using a filter on the object’s “kind” as criterion.
    This class is the base class for all events.