Klasse PackageSummaryBuilder


Builds the summary for a given package.
  • Methodendetails

    • getInstance

      Construct a new PackageSummaryBuilder.
      context - the build context.
      pkg - the package being documented.
      packageWriter - the doclet specific writer that will output the result.
      Gibt zurück:
      an instance of a PackageSummaryBuilder.
    • build

      public void build() throws DocletException
      Build the package summary.
      Angegeben von:
      build in Klasse AbstractBuilder
      Löst aus:
      DocletException - if there is a problem while building the documentation
    • buildPackageDoc

      protected void buildPackageDoc() throws DocletException
      Build the package documentation.
      Löst aus:
      DocletException - if there is a problem while building the documentation
    • buildContent

      protected void buildContent() throws DocletException
      Build the content for the package.
      Löst aus:
      DocletException - if there is a problem while building the documentation
    • buildSummary

      protected void buildSummary(Content packageContent) throws DocletException
      Builds the list of summaries for the different kinds of types in this package.
      packageContent - the package content to which the summaries will be added
      Löst aus:
      DocletException - if there is a problem while building the documentation
    • buildRelatedPackagesSummary

      protected void buildRelatedPackagesSummary(Content summariesList)
      Builds a list of “nearby” packages (subpackages, superpackages, and sibling packages).
      summariesList - the list of summaries to which the summary will be added
    • buildAllClassesAndInterfacesSummary

      protected void buildAllClassesAndInterfacesSummary(Content summariesList)
      Builds the summary for all classes and interfaces in this package.
      summariesList - the list of summaries to which the summary will be added
    • buildPackageDescription

      protected void buildPackageDescription(Content packageContent)
      Build the description of the summary.
      packageContent - the content to which the package description will be added
    • buildPackageTags

      protected void buildPackageTags(Content packageContent)
      Build the tags of the summary.
      packageContent - the content to which the package tags will be added