OSGi Getting Started

By Michael N. Lipp

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Part 1: The container

Part 2: Simplest Bundle

Part 3: Simple Bundle

Part 4: Eclipse (OSGi) Plugin

Part 5: Bndtools

Part 6: Shift in Perspective

Part 7: Modules and Services

Part 8: Accessing a Service

Part 9: Tracking a Service

Part 10: Using a Service

Part 11: Providing a Service

Interlude: Cleaning up

Part 12: Configuration Admin

Part 13: Service Components

Part 14: Repositories

Part 15: Versions

Tracking a Service

First of all, to fully expose all the problems, let’s really do some work in the sample service.

public class HelloWorld extends Thread {

    public void run() {
        System.out.println("Hello World!");
        while (!isInterrupted()) {
            try {
                // Activator.logService.log(LogService.LOG_INFO, "Hello Word sleeping");
                sleep (5000);
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {

Though the (intended) usage of the log service is still commented out, it is obvious that eventually the thread can only be run successfully if the log service is available1.

The startup code must be updated to something similar to this:

import org.osgi.service.log.LogService;

public class Activator implements BundleActivator {
    static public LogService logService;
    public void start(BundleContext context) throws Exception {
        logService = context.getServiceReference(
        helloWord = new HelloWorld();

The problem with this simple approach is that the method getServiceReference returns a service only if it is already registered. If it is not (yet) available, a listener can be added to the BundleContext to avoid “busy waiting”. The listener is informed about changes of service states. So simply put, it should be possible to check whether the log service already exists and, if it is the case, start our service. Else we register a listener and wait for the log service to appear and start our service then. The details, however, are a bit tricky. For example, what happens if the log service appears after we have done the initial check but before we have registered the listener? That’s why OSGi includes a ServiceTracker class, which is supposed to simplify things a bit.

We want our service thread to start only if a log service is available. And we want it to stop when the log service becomes unavailable. The following code shows how this can be done using the ServiceTracker (as before, you can checkout the project with this code).

public class Activator implements BundleActivator {

    private ServiceTracker<LogService, LogService> logServiceTracker;
    static public LogService logService = null;
    private HelloWorld helloWorld;

    /** Our component isn't started immediately like before. Rather, a service tracker
     * is created and opened. Our component will only be started when the service
     * tracker detects the availability of all required services. */
    public void start(BundleContext context) throws Exception {
        if (logServiceTracker == null) {
            // When called for the first time, create a new service tracker 
            // that tracks the availability of a log service.
            logServiceTracker = new ServiceTracker<LogService, LogService>(
                    context, LogService.class, null) {
                /** This method is invoked when a service (of the kind tracked)
                 * is added. In our use case, this means that the log service is 
                 * available now and that our component can be started. */
                public LogService addingService(ServiceReference<LogService> reference) {
                    LogService result = super.addingService(reference);
                    // If there are several services available, getService() returns the
                    // preferred one. But we cannot use getService() here because the new
                    // service hasn't been added to the tracked services yet (we're in 
                    // the process of adding). We have to decide on our own.
                    if (isPreferred(reference)) {
                        logService = result;
                    // The required service has become available, so we should 
                    // start our service if it hasn't been started yet.
                    if (helloWorld == null) {
                        System.out.println("Hello World started.");
                        helloWorld = new HelloWorld();
                    return result;

                // When having several services, which one should be used? The ServiceTracker
                // prefers services with higher ranking and, if there is a tie, the service 
                // with the lowest service id.
                private boolean isPreferred(ServiceReference<LogService> candidate) {
                    // Details removed here, see project source.
                /** This method is invoked when a service is removed. Since we model
                 * a strong relationship between our component and the log service,
                 * our component must be stopped when there's no log service left.
                 * Note that the service tracker remains open (active). When a log
                 * service becomes available again, our component will be restarted. */
                public void removedService(ServiceReference<LogService> reference,
                                           LogService service) {
                    super.removedService(reference, service);
                    // After removing this service, another version of the service
                    // may have become the "current version". As this is called after
                    // the service has been removed from the tracker, we can simply
                    // invoke getService() to get the preferred remaining service object
                    // (if here is still one left).
                    LogService nowCurrent = getService();
                    if (nowCurrent != null) {
                        logService = nowCurrent;
                    // If no logging service is left, we have to stop our component.
                    if (helloWorld != null) {
                        try {
                        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
                        helloWorld = null;
                        System.out.println("Hello World stopped.");
                    // Release any left over reference to the log service.
                    logService = null;
        // Now activate (open) the service tracker.

    /** As before, this method stops our component, but in a different way. It stops 
     * (closes) the service tracker (because we don't want our component to be 
     * reactivated only because a log service (re-)appears). As this causes the
     * ServiceTracker to call removedService for the tracked service(s), this will
     * also stop our service. */
    public void stop(BundleContext context) throws Exception {

Run this using a configuration that also includes the Felix console. When the application has started, list the bundles and start and stop the log service and our HelloWorld component in varying order. Look at the output and understand the start/stop messages from our component’s activator. Here’s an example:

Hello World started.
Hello World!
Welcome to Apache Felix Gogo

g! lb
   ID|State      |Level|Name
    0|Active     |    0|System Bundle (6.0.2)|6.0.2
    1|Active     |    1|Apache Felix Log Service (1.2.0)|1.2.0
    2|Active     |    1|Apache Felix Gogo Command (1.1.0)|1.1.0
    3|Active     |    1|Apache Felix Gogo Runtime (1.1.2)|1.1.2
    4|Active     |    1|Apache Felix Gogo Shell (1.1.2)|1.1.2
    5|Active     |    1|SimpleBundle-logging (1.1.0)|1.1.0
g! stop 1
Hello World stopped.
g! start 1
Hello World started.
Hello World!

The required code is quite complex because it has to handle some conditions that aren’t obvious if you come from most other Java component models2. The basic approach is to grab the service object in addingService and start the HelloWorld thread, and then stop this thread again in serviceRemoved. This should allow the thread to reliably use the log service, because with respect to its life cycle, a service object is guaranteed to be usable between the invocations of addingService and serviceRemoved for that service object.

As an additional complexity besides the dynamic appearance and disappearance of services, there can also be more than one service with the same service interface at the same time. As an example, it’s possible to have two persistence services with different back ends installed and running in parallel3. A special case – that makes more sense in the context of the log service – is having a service twice after installing (and starting) a newer version in a running system4.

Due to this OSGi framework feature, we have to take into consideration that addingService and serviceRemoved may be called several times. In order to get the “current” service object, the ServiceTracker provides getService() that is supposed to be called each time we need the service. There are two problems with that, however.

Method addingService is called before the service has been added to the set of tracked services. As the HelloWorld thread is started in addingService, a call to getService() from that newly started thread may fail because it may occur before addingService returns and the service is added to the services known to the ServiceTracker. Likewise, serviceRemoved is called after the service has been removed from the service tracker. So there is a short time span between the service having been removed from the tracker already and stopping HelloWord thread in serviceRemoved. When the last (or only) log service object is removed, a call to logServiceTracker.getService() returns null during that time span.

Therefore, calling getService() from the HelloWorld thread is not an option. Rather, it is necessary to cache the reference to the log service and update it after each change. Updating the reference in serviceRemoved is simple, because the ServiceTracker is up to date (the service has been removed already). In addingService, however, we have to find out whether the new service will be preferred over an already tracked service after addingService has finished. It’s possible, but makes things even more complicated, of course.

The documentation doesn’t mention this, but the ServiceTracker isn’t really fit to track required (mandatory) services5. We’ll have a look at more sophisticated alternatives later.

  1. Most examples consider the dependency on the log service an optional dependency and fall back to e.g. printing to System.err if it is not available. I consider this dubious at best. I expect log messages to appear in the log and I expect them to appear there reliably. 

  2. As has been pointed out to me in a discussion on the osgi-dev list. 

  3. There’s much more to it. But that’s for later. 

  4. Quite handy if you have to provide 24x7 availability and want to apply a patch. 

  5. It would be quite easy if there were additional methods serviceAdded and removingService to override, called after a service has been added to the set of tracked services and before it is removed from the set of tracked services , respectively. Because things become so much simpler once you have these methods, I have written the ServiceCollector as an alternative to the ServiceTracker